Module 2: Using Discipline To Protect, Nurture And Meet Developmental Needs
The purpose of Module 2 is to increase the participants’ understanding of the importance of discipline in meeting developmental needs and to provide some concrete techniques and skills they can use to manage behavior effectively. Building on the concepts presented and skills developed in Module 1, the three sessions in this module focus on proactive and reactive approaches to using discipline to protect, nurture and advance children's development.

Course Duration | 9 hours |
Course Delivery | Self-Directed, Online |
Course Provider | Governors State University, Chicago IL |
Course Type | Self-Directed, Online |
Session One establishes the goals of effective discipline, clarifies the difference between discipline and punishment, and provides an opportunity for participants to assess their strengths and needs related to the personal qualities essential for instilling discipline. This session introduces the range of available disciplinary techniques which comprises the three categories: "promoting positive behavior,” "promoting self-control,” and "responding to lack of control” The use of rewards, praise, the special gift of encouragement, and planned ignoring are the skills covered as part of the first category of techniques.
The focus of Session Two is on developing participants’ knowledge and skills related to the techniques in the next two categories of the "Range of Disciplinary Techniques.” The importance of planning, preparation and establishing expectations as ways to promote self-control is emphasized. Suggestions are offered for modifying the environment and establishing rules. Participants assess the rules in operation within their families, practice using "I-messages" and natural and logical consequences, and learn some basic guidelines for using time out.
Session Three provides an opportunity for foster parents to apply the disciplinary techniques learned in the previous sessions to children’s behaviors which have been commonly identified as being problematic to caregivers. After reviewing the factors that may influence the effectiveness of discipline, participants are introduced to the “Problem-Solving Machine,” a process used to meet children’s behavioral challenges. Several activities are structured to facilitate the use of problem-solving in response to such common behaviors as tantrums, lying, stealing, withdrawing, anger, destructiveness, jealousy, etc. Participants also practice using disciplinary skills to respond to the behavioral challenges they deal with in their families.
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The purpose of Module 2 is to increase the participants’ understanding of the importance of discipline in meeting developmental needs and to provide some concrete techniques and skills they can use to manage behavior effectively. Building on the concepts presented and skills developed in Module 1, the three sessions in this module focus on proactive and reactive approaches to using discipline to protect, nurture and advance children's development.
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