Course Catalogue
Learn the Skills to Understand and Support Children in Care
At the SFFA, we provide the highest quality, comprehensive training free of charge to foster carers and carers in assessment. We also offer training to individuals and organization trainees for a modest fee.
Available classes cover all mandatory and core carer training as well as specialist topics addressing specific critical concerns.
Courses by Category
All Available Courses:
Anger Pie
Rick Delaney, PhD discusses the ABCs of behavior in relation to anger outbursts in 5- to 10-year-old children.
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Attachment and Connection
Our attachment style is set by 12 months old. This seminar will explore attachment styles and discuss practical methods to build client connections and foster secure attachments.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Information Session
These sessions educate caregivers on what ASD is, diagnosis criteria, types of intervention, and the financial options and supports available to caregivers & families.
Training Provider: Autism Services of Saskatoon
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference
Beadwork shows Indigenous resiliency and cultural value. This workshop covers historical beadwork, tools, and techniques, and includes making a Medicine Wheel medallion.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Behaviour Shaping and Positive Discipline
This 1-hour exclusive session equips caregivers with practical, non-punitive discipline techniques to manage challenging behaviors, build trust, and strengthen relationships. Through real-world scenarios and role-playing, participants will learn to create a nurturing, structured environment for children.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 60 Minutes
Building Trust, Motivating Change
This class explores how to engage teens in behavior change by using the techniques of motivational interviewing (MI), including: building trust; the components of MI; change talk.
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Caring for Aboriginal Children
The Caring for Aboriginal Children Cultural Curriculum is intended to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Aboriginal children and youth. This training is two– 3 hour digital modules geared toward foster families and highly recommended for adoptive families. This training is user friendly and the facilitators are built in to the entire curriculum. This module is based on the Saskatchewan Cultural Component and was created and produced in Saskatchewan.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 6 hours
Child Safety & Supervision
This course presents strategies for safe and appropriate supervision including: pre-placement interviewing; safety plan development; in-home observations and adjustments; being a childcare team member
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Could It Be FASD?
While fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are surprisingly common in children in care, they can often be difficult to diagnose, as the signs and symptoms are associated with a number of other conditions.
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Deep Dive into Trauma Competent Care
This two-day training session benefits various learners, from parents to educators, empowering them to provide trauma-informed care. Presented by Trauma Competent Care.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 2 Days, Conference Sessions
Domestic Abuse Awareness
Join Joan McDonald as she shares some definitions and statistics, signs and risk factors of abusive relationships, and educational and learning resources for victims, survivors and those supporting victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 60 Minutes
Escalating Behaviours Unwrapped
This class explores escalation and de-escalation, including: the “thinking brain” vs. the “survival brain”; the escalation cycle; de-escalation strategies.
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Family Connection Groups
Learn about our 12-week Family Connection Group therapy program, fostering connection, mindfulness, and regulation through engaging activities.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Foster Parent Training is provincially mandated in Saskatchewan due to the high rates of children in care who live with FASD. Training is provided by the FASD Network.
Training Provider:
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 3 hours
First Aid and CPR Training
In order to further enhance the safety of children in foster care, certification in first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is now mandatory for all Saskatchewan foster parents.
Training Provider: St. John's Ambulance,Red Cross
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person
Grief & Loss Session by Deb Mooney
The Saskatchewan Foster Families Association is offering a session with Deb Mooney RSW, SEP (Registered Social Worker and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner) with Simplicity Counselling Services (SCS).
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 60 Minutes
Keynote Speaker: Indigenous Awareness
John is an Indigenous awareness educator working with government, industry, and community. John is a well-respected Saskatchewan entrepreneur, owner of ACS Aboriginal Consulting Services, and a member of the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan with roots in the Red River.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 2 Hours
Language, Culture, and Dance for Cultural Identity
Equips caregivers to support First Nation children’s identity and participation through cultural practices and continuous improvement.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
LivingWorks Start
LivingWorks Start is an online, skills-based suicide prevention training program that anyone can learn in as little as one hour.
Training Provider: LivingWorks
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 60 to 90 minutes
Lying (2nd Edition)
This course explores four types of lying problems with children: getting out of trouble, gaining attention, pathological, getting others in trouble
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Metis Nation
Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN-S) represents the province’s Métis citizens. The Métis Nation Legislative Assembly is the governing authority of the Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN-S) and has the authority to enact legislation, regulation, rules and resolutions governing the affairs and conduct of the Métis in Saskatchewan.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Module 1: The Foundation for Meeting the Developmental Needs of Children at Risk
The knowledge and skills developed during the four sessions of this module are critical to successfully fulfilling the foster parent role. The foundation competencies addressed pertain to assessing and building children's self-esteem, understanding behavior, and developing effective interpersonal skills. These sessions are designed to illustrate how to connect one's understanding of self-esteem and the meaning of behavior to the use of effective communication skills and the disciplinary process.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 12 hours
Module 2: Using Discipline To Protect, Nurture And Meet Developmental Needs
The purpose of Module 2 is to increase the participants’ understanding of the importance of discipline in meeting developmental needs and to provide some concrete techniques and skills they can use to manage behavior effectively. Building on the concepts presented and skills developed in Module 1, the three sessions in this module focus on proactive and reactive approaches to using discipline to protect, nurture and advance children's development.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 9 hours
Module 3: Addressing Developmental Issues Related To Sexuality
This module, consisting of one three-hour session, provides information on normal sexual development and behavior in children and youth, identifies factors that indicate problematic sexual behavior, and outlines techniques for educating children about sexuality.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 3 hours
Module 4: Responding To The Signs And Symptoms Of Sexual Abuse
This module consists of two sessions. The first session is intended to increase the participants’ understanding of sexual abuse, while second session is focused on assisting foster parents to respond effectively to the issues of sexual abuse.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 6 hours
Module 5: Supporting Relationships Between Children and Their Families
The goals of the three sessions in this module are to help foster parents understand the importance of the child's family relationships, to develop their skills to support these relationships, and to provide ways for participants to share the parenting role and to help birth parents.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 9 hours
Module 6: Working As A Professional Team Member
The purpose of this module is to provide foster parents with an understanding of the professional team in working on behalf of children and families. The three sessions include information and skill development related to teamwork, the tasks of foster parents as professional team members, and conflict management.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 9 hours
Module 7: Promoting Children's Personal And Cultural Identity
Session One provides participants with an understanding of the importance of valuing and making a commitment to cultural competence and ways to work with the family foster care team to promote positive self-esteem through respecting, advancing and sharing children’s cultural norms and traditions.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 6 hours
Module 8: Promoting Permanency Outcomes
The intent of the four sessions in this module is to provide participants with a foundation for understanding permanency planning practice and to assist them in helping children and families achieve the desired permanency outcomes.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 12 hours
Module 9: Managing The Fostering Experience
This module examines the impact of placement on one's family by devoting one session to exploring ways to help foster families manage the changes, transitions, and challenges presented by the fostering role and another session to helping participants manage the impact of abuse and neglect allegations.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 6 hours
My First Metis Lobstick
In this session, parents will gain confidence in Metis-style art inspired by Leah Marie Dorion's "My First Metis Lobstick" through a book reading and mixed media activity for children/youth over 12.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
My Little Metis Sleepy Horse
Join Metis Artist Leah Marie Dorion as she reads her new book "My Little Metis Sleepy Horse" and leads a mixed media art activity for kids under 7. Parents will learn the story and gain confidence in Metis-inspired art.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Noncompliance and Defiance
This class explores the spectrum of behaviors associated with cooperation and noncompliance, including: fearful compliance, cooperation, noncompliance, defiance
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Opioid Poisoning Response
With widely increasing numbers of opioid poisonings across Canada , St. John Ambulance is offering this critical, online training program to support all Canadians seeking nasal naloxone administration training.
Training Provider: St. John's Ambulance
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 2 Hours
Parenting a Child Who Was Substance Exposed
This class explores parenting children who were substance exposed, including: risk and protective factors, effects of prenatal substance exposure and drug endangerment, attachment and temperament, parenting approaches
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Parent Life Guard Training
The Lifesaving Society provides parent lifeguard training to educate caregivers on the dangers of water and what to do to stay safe around water with the children in your care.
Training Provider: Life Saving Society, Regina Saskatchewan
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 3 hours
Personal Wellness and Preventing Burnout
Address burnout and prioritize personal wellness for service professionals. Join us for a holistic approach to self-care and excellence.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Positive Parenting 1
This course explores three types of positive parenting techniques: encouragement, cooperation, tracking behavior
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
P.R.I.D.E. Pre-Service
PRIDE is a licensed model of practice for the development and support of foster families.
Training Provider: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 27 hours
Risks, Trends and Prevention of Online Child Sexual Violence
Learn trauma impact, child safety, resilience, emotion regulation, and essential connections for effective child protection at our event.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 3 Hours
Risks, Trends and Prevention of Online Child Sexual Violence
Learn trauma impact, child safety, resilience, emotion regulation, and essential connections for effective child protection at our event.
Training Provider: Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 90 Minutes
Running Away
This course explores five types of running away behavior with children: searching for roots, running from rules, running from love and intimacy, wanting to be wanted, running to street crime
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component
The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component is intended for future foster and adoptive families to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Indigenous children and youth. It provides an introduction to the history, traditions and richness of Indigenous people and their diverse culture. The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component was created in Saskatchewan with collaboration, consultation and approval of Elder representatives from all of the First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan.
Training Provider: Ministry of Social Services
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 3 hours
Sleep Problems (2nd Edition)
This course explores four types of sleep problems in children: fears about sleeping alone, frequent waking and roaming, nightmares and night terrors, sleep problems and depression
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Str8 UP
STR8UP helps members, youth, and adults within the criminal justice system become healthy responsible citizens. We support through a range of services, from addictions support and healing circles to mentorship and justice advocacy.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Supporting Normalcy
This course explores how providing children in care a normal childhood relates to supporting normalcy, reasonable and prudent parenting standards, and making decisions about and advocating for their participation in activities
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Taking Things - Stealing
This class explores common reasons for taking things including: experimentation, intellectual disability, trauma history, social or psychiatric problems
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Talking Sticks
Discover the power of Talking Sticks for active listening and cultural inclusion, fostering family attachment and trust.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
The Impact of Fostering on Birth Children
Explores the challenges foster families face pre-placement, during placement, and post-placement and offers insights and advice for helping birth children through those challenges.
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Theraplay Pediatric Services
Theraplay provides individual occupational therapy treatment to children.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 90 Minutes
Trauma Competent Caregiver
In-depth training session to increase competency and sensitivity in caring for children with traumatic history.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 6 hours
Trust-based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Caregiver Training
TBRI is an evidence based practice that meets the needs of the “whole child”.
Training Provider: Saskatchewan Foster Families Association
Training Type: Instructor-Led, Video Conference , 6 hours
Understanding Sex Trafficking
This class explores human sex trafficking, including: commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC); risk factors and vulnerabilities; parenting strategies
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 Hours
Working Together to Support Families and Victims of Online Sexual Violence
This session will explore the scope of the issue, support services provided by the Centre and available online training and practical resources for front line service providers.
Training Provider: Conference 2024
Training Type: Instructor-Led, In Person , 75 Minutes
Working with Birth Parents: Visitation
This course explores different aspects related to visitations with birth parents: coping with frustration, supporting the foster child after the visit, cancellations and no-shows, working with caseworkers and custodians, pre-visit anxiety
Training Provider: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Self-Directed, Online , 2 credit hours
Working with Schools
Roles and responsibilities, entering a new school, working with the school staff, special education, and parent advocacy are discussed in this course.