Module 3: Addressing Developmental Issues Related To Sexuality

This module, consisting of one three-hour session, provides information on normal sexual development and behavior in children and youth, identifies factors that indicate problematic sexual behavior, and outlines techniques for educating children about sexuality.

Course Duration 3 hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Governors State University, Chicago IL
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

After participants become aware of normal sexual development and behaviors of pre-schoolers, latency-aged children and adolescents, they lean to differentiate normal from symptomatic sexual behaviors. A group activity is used to assist foster parents in examining their values and attitudes regarding sexuality and to increase their understanding of the effect of values and attitudes on their capacity to deal effectively with developmental issues related to sexuality.

The last half of the module offers participants techniques for facilitating healthy sexual development in children and youth and for responding to children's sexuality-related questions and behaviors, and provides methods for educating children about sexuality and sexual abuse.

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 3 hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay: All Levels
Recertification Required:
Provided by: Governors State University, Chicago IL
Training Type: CORE 1

Upcoming Events: Module 3: Addressing Developmental Issues Related To Sexuality

No upcoming course events at this time.

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