Working with Schools

Roles and responsibilities, entering a new school, working with the school staff, special education, and parent advocacy are discussed in this course.

Instructors Expert – Karen Jorgenson, MA, former Executive Director of the National Foster Parent Association Ginger Gorham, MS, former public education teacher, former parent educator on the parents’ role and rights in special education Panel of foster, adopt, and kinship care providers
Course Duration 2 credit hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Foster Parent College
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

Karen Jorgenson, M.A. and Ginger Gorham, M.S. examine problems frequently encountered when working with a child's school and offer simple, positive guidance to foster parents on developing a working relationship with schools. Ms. Jorgenson and Ms. Gorham also discuss building a school-parent team, roles and responsibilities of the foster parent and the school, special education, homework strategies, and dealing with difficult behaviors at school. Handouts are included.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • identify reasons children in care experience significant school problems
  • identify members of a school "team"
  • state school and foster parent roles and responsibilities
  • identify strategies to help a child transition to a new school
  • identify ways to advocate for your child when dealing with schools
  • describe the role of the parent in the special education process
  • list strategies for overcoming homework struggles
  • identify methods for dealing with difficult behaviors at school

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 2 credit hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay:
Recertification Required:
Provided by: Foster Parent College
Training Type:

Resource Files

Upcoming Events: Working with Schools

No upcoming course events at this time.

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